Our products

Zin Empobrecido: Depleted Oxide Zinc (DZO)

Our main industrial isotope is depleted zinc-64, it is widely used in the nuclear industry. Adding zinc to nuclear reactors greatly reduces corrosion processes, including SCC corrosion cracking.
We often supply large amounts of depleted zinc-64 in the form of pellets or depleted zinc oxide powder for boiling water reactors (BWR) and depleted zinc acetate for pressurized water reactors (PWR). Zinc also reduces the amount of radioactive cobalt-60 formed because of the activation of natural cobalt in the reactor construction materials. Cobalt-60 is a major contributor to radiation buildup in cooling systems and can cause high dose rates for maintenance personnel. If natural zinc is injected, zinc-64 forms radioactive zinc-65 that negates the beneficial reduction of cobalt-60. By removing the zinc-64 isotope prior to injection into the cooling system, the reduction in cobalt-60 level can be maximized and the average dose rates are substantially reduced.